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Enrolment Form
We acknowledge and respect your privacy. The enrolment information that is collected assists
us to provide the best level of service for you and your child. By completing this form, you have
consented to this information being collected. The information will only be used by kids life up
Please complete and submit this form to confirm your child's enrolment and
secure your spot in one of our workshops.
If you are enrolling more than one child, please complete a separate form for each child.

Child Details*

*Required Sections/Fields
Parent 01 Details*
Parent 02 Details
Residential Address*
Residential Address
Emergency Contact 01*
Emergency Contact 02
Photography & Video Permissions*
I give permission for photos and video footage to be taken of my child to be used (please tick all that apply) *
Enrolment Agreements*
Please tick the box to confirm that you have read each point*
Additional Information/Comments
Your content has been submitted
please fill out all required fields.
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